Vector Network Analyzer 67 GHz

On May 2 2017, finally the RS ZVA67 vector network analyzer is delivered to the Laboratory of Microwave Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana. The Laboratory of Microwave Engineering belongs to the Research Group Advanced Telecommunication and Applied Electromagnetics (A-Team), which concerns with the development of components for millimeter waves. With this VNA we open research possibilities up to 67 GHz. Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus (mudrikalaydrus at…

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IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Prof. Karu Esselle PhD, Professor of Electronic Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney

Today, 22 February 2017 at UMB Campus Meruya, The Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana arranged a Distinguished Lecturer Program of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (IEEE APS).  Prof. Karu Esselle PhD, Professor of Electronic Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, talked about: Many names, many advantages – Are resonant cavity antennas the killer planar space-saving approach to get 15-25 dBi gain ?…

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Alumni’s Talk | Mr. Tjetjep Roni Budiman

Pemanfaatan Disruptive Technology Memakai SIP Pada kesempatan “Alumni-Talk” tanggal 17 Desember 2016, Mr. Tjetjep Roni Budiman memaparkan tema tentang Pemanfaatan Disruptive Technology. Disruptive Innovation merupakan istilah yang dibuat oleh Clayton Christensen, seorang profesor dari Harvard Business School yang merupakan salah satu ahli di dunia dalam inovasi dan pertumbuhannya, idenya berkembang luas dalam industri dan organisasi di dunia. Dalam istilahnya dijelaskan, disruptive innovation merupakan sebuah proses dimana produk atau layanan pada awalnya diterapkan secara sederhana pada bagian bawah pasar dan selanjutnya bergerak naik, pada akhirnya akan menjadi pesaing yang tangguh.

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IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Prof. Naoki Shinohara from Kyoto University, Japan

On 12 November 2016, Prof. Naoki Shinohara from Kyoto University visited our Campus in Menteng. He talked an interesting thema on Wireless Power Transfer (WPT).

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Alumni’s Talk | Mr. Aun Abdul Wadud, GM-Experience Design Revenue Management, Marketing Directorate PT. XL Axiata Tbk

Seminar On 4G LTE In our new program “Alumni Talk”, Mr. Aun Abdul Wadud, GM-Experience Design Revenue Management, Marketing Directorate PT. XL Axiata Tbk, gave a talk on 4G LTE Technology, Business and Challenges.  The talk was conducted on 10 April 2016 at Menteng Campus.   …

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Seminar on Wireless Sensor Network

On Sunday,  27 March 2016, Dr. Abdusy Syarif gave a talk on “Optimizing and Enhancing the lifetime of WSN Deployment”  approached by  MOP (Multi-objective Optimisation Problem) and Operator Calculus . The lecture was given to the Civitas Academica of Department of Electrical Engineering, UMB.     …

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